Here are the 2008 Republican primary results:
- McCain (37%)
- Romney (31%)
- Huckabee (11%)
- Giuliani (9%)
- Paul (8%)
- Thompson (1%)
- Hunter (1%)
- Others (2%)
- Romney (39%)
- Paul (23%)
- Huntsman (17%)
- Gingrich (9%)
- Santorum (9%)
- Perry (1%)
- Bachmann (0%)
- Others (2%)
So what is the most striking difference in 2012? Ron Paul's increase from 8% to 23% has to be the most striking. However, there was still another 20% of the vote going to conservative voters. You could thus argue that approximately 43% of the vote went to conservatives in 2012 over the meager 10% from 2008.
Let's face it, New Hampshire is not a bastion of conservatism. In 2000, Senator McCain received 49% and President Bush 30%. The 2012 election is reminiscent of 1996 election where conservatives led by Buchanan and Forbes. So for conservatives to received that much of the vote, makes for the biggest story of the 2012 New Hampshire primary.